The Summer I Turned Pretty is a coming-of-age romantic drama series based on the novel series of the same name by Jenny Han. The series follows Belly Conklin (Lola Tung), a 15-year-old girl who spends her summers with her mother, Laurel (Jackie Chung), and her best friend, Taylor (Rain Spencer), at Cousins Beach, the vacation home of her mother’s best friend, Susannah Fisher (Rachel Blanchard).
In Season 1, Belly finds herself caught in a love triangle between Susannah’s two sons, Conrad (Christopher Briney) and Jeremiah (Gavin Casalegno). Conrad is the brooding, mysterious older brother, while Jeremiah is the sweet, charming younger brother. Belly is drawn to both of them, but she doesn’t know who she wants to be with.
Throughout the season, Belly also deals with the challenges of growing up, including body image issues, first love, and family drama. She learns to embrace her own beauty and her own identity, and she finds her way to happiness.
Season 1 of The Summer I Turned Pretty ended with a major cliffhanger: Susannah was diagnosed with breast cancer. Season 2 will pick up with Belly, Conrad, Jeremiah, and the rest of the family as they deal with this devastating news.
Here are some of the key things to remember from Season 1 of The Summer I Turned Pretty ahead of Season 2:
- Belly is in love with Conrad, but he is hesitant to start a relationship with her because he is still dealing with the death of his father.
- Jeremiah is also in love with Belly, but he knows that Conrad has first dibs.
- Susannah is diagnosed with breast cancer.
- Belly’s father, Adam (Sean Kaufman), is struggling with his own personal demons.
- Taylor is dealing with her own romantic problems.
Season 2 of The Summer I Turned Pretty is sure to be a rollercoaster of emotions. We will see how Belly, Conrad, Jeremiah, and the rest of the family cope with Susannah’s cancer diagnosis. We will also see how Belly’s love triangle with Conrad and Jeremiah plays out.
I’m excited to see what happens in Season 2 of The Summer I Turned Pretty! I think it’s going to be a great season, and I can’t wait to see how Belly’s story unfolds.
Here are some additional thoughts on Season 1 of The Summer I Turned Pretty:
- The show does a great job of capturing the feeling of summer vacation.
- The cast is very likable, and they all have great chemistry together.
- The show is heartwarming and funny, but it also deals with some serious topics, such as cancer and body image.
Overall, I really enjoyed Season 1 of The Summer I Turned Pretty. It’s a sweet, funny, and heartwarming show that I would definitely recommend.
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