It is observed on 9th December every year to highlight how corruption affects, education, justice, democracy, and development.
What is the special day of 9th December?
It is observed on 9th December every year to highlight how corruption affects health, education, justice, democracy, prosperity, and development
What are 3 effects of corruption?
Corruption increases inequality, decreases popular accountability and political responsiveness, and thus produces rising frustration and hardship among citizens.
What are the 4 types of corruption?
The types of corruption are supply vs demand corruption, grand vs petty corruption, conventional vs unconventional corruption and public vs private.
What are 5 principles of Anti Corruption?
"TRUST" T–top level commitment, R–risk assessment, U–undertake control measures, S–systematic review, T–training and communication.
What is Section 17A of the Anti Corruption Act?
Section 17A introduced mandatory prior approval for police investigations of public officials.